EIGRP… The Basics
Routing_Updates Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is an impressive set of features for IP Routing, which converges quickly and is on par and sometimes faster than OSPF. This routing protocol requires less processing time, less memory, and less network design than compared to OSPF. What's the catch? …
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Distance Vector Routing
Jun 15, 2011 · 3 min read · CCENT CCNA Cisco cisco Cisco IOS Cisco Systems Distance-vector routing protocol Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol General ICND1 ICND2 Internet Internet Protocol Network Layer networking Open Shortest Path First router Routing Routing Information Protocol Routing protocol software technology tutorial Tutorials ·Couple weeks ago I talked about routing protocols and in the post I mentioned two routing protocol features distance vector and link state. Although these protocols fundamentally do the same thing by getting information on remote networks they get this information in a different way. For today let's introduce distance …
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Classful vs. Classless Routing
Cloud-Computing-icon Before the internet and general networking become popular into what it is now, there were and still are routing protocols that only do classful routing. What is classful routing? When I was talking about Dynamic Routing earlier (See the post Dynamic Routing Protocols) I mentioned there was a …
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