Classful vs. Classless Routing
Cloud-Computing-icon Before the internet and general networking become popular into what it is now, there were and still are routing protocols that only do classful routing. What is classful routing? When I was talking about Dynamic Routing earlier (See the post Dynamic Routing Protocols) I mentioned there was a …
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Cisco IOS Commands
This is the master list of some of the many Cisco IOS Commands that go with the CCNA track. This list also talks about what each command does in brief detail. You may also find that some commands may or may not be used for a CCNA level but offer some important information. If you don't know what a command does or …
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Understanding VTP
Some people hate it, some people love it. It's the Cisco proprietary VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) which in short means that Cisco switches can exchange VLAN configuration, instead of manually configuring each switch with the same VLANs. I also suggest if you don't know what a VLAN is check out the post Creating VLANs …
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Dynamic Routing Protocols
May 4, 2011 · 3 min read · BGP Border Gateway Protocol CCENT CCNA Cisco cisco Cisco IOS computers Distance-vector routing protocol Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol Exterior Gateway Protocol General ICND1 ICND2 Interior gateway protocol Internet LAN networking Open Shortest Path First router Routing technology tutorial Tutorials WAN ·Dynamic Routing If you ever wanted to set up a network manually, you will quickly find how much overhead is required to get PCs, printers, and other network equipment. That's where dynamic routing protocols come into play although they are helpful I strongly urge you to understand static routing first. (See the post …
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Configure Static Routing
May 2, 2011 · 4 min read · Addressing CCENT CCNA Cisco cisco Cisco IOS Default route ICND1 ICND2 IP IP address LAN networking Protocols router Routing software Static Routes Subnetwork technology tutorial Tutorials WAN ·Plugging Cisco routers together and hoping they work out of the box is not something you should hope for. A router can learn about networks in two ways, manually from configured static routers which we will talk about today and dynamic routing protocols which will talk about on Wednesday. Let's get started! Static …
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