The Beginnings of Layer Two Redundancy
network-diagram In a perfect world we would never need redundancy on a network infrastructure, but as you know as well as I know we don't live in a perfect world. Hardware will eventually fail, bottlenecks will appear, and the speed of our network will become slower when we max the bandwidth on links. So having …
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Understanding VTP
Some people hate it, some people love it. It's the Cisco proprietary VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) which in short means that Cisco switches can exchange VLAN configuration, instead of manually configuring each switch with the same VLANs. I also suggest if you don't know what a VLAN is check out the post Creating VLANs …
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Crossover or Straight through?
Mar 10, 2011 · 3 min read · Cable CCENT CCNA Cisco Crossover cable Ethernet Ethernet crossover cable ICND1 ICND2 Internet networking Pin RJ45 router technology tutorial Tutorials ·The EIA/TIA puts the standards in UTP cable, and when cabling a network there are two standards. T568A and T568B these standards are important when deciding to put a crossover cable or straight through cable This tutorial is going to be talking about when and where to apply these different standards. We are going to be …
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