When you want more speed all you need is EtherChannel, EtherChannel can be configured as a layer three logical interface instead of just sitting at layer two. This is very helpful if we are running layer three down to the access layer switches, instead of at the distribution layer. You also could see this in a …
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The Three Tiers
Jan 21, 2012 · 3 min read · CCENT CCNA Cisco cisco Cisco Systems collapsed core Data Communications distribution layer General hierarchical network ICND1 ICND2 Network Network Layer networking Security security technology Virtual LAN ·network_switch Working towards the CCNA Cisco talks about a hierarchical network there are three layers to this design. Access Layer, distribution layer and the core layer. Each of them have their own set of functions and is also considered to be a best practice when the network continues to grow and for redundancy …
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