I will be up front on this I really never had that much experience with power-shell scripts but I wanted a quick way to connect to routers and switches and issue the show run command and have that script output everything into one file. So some searching around I decided to drive into power-shell to see if I could get something to work. One of my first problems was to find a way to have power-shell SSH into my devices I found out about SharpSSH which look interesting but I also found SSH.NET. So I went with my second choice and decided to try the SSH.NET module. I would not of went to far if I did not stumble across this website which helped out a lot. Here is the direct link of the Wiki page I was referring to. Also here is the code I quickly put together and I can bet there is a better way to setup this script but since I am pretty green when it comes to scripting this is what I could come up with. Feel free to edit and use, if you have suggestions on how to improve this script let me know by commenting below. [code language="powershell"] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PowerShell Script for Connecting using SSH to Network Devices and to # issue one or multiple commands. # RECOMMENDED USE: Automating Backups # ATTENTION: Module SSH-Sessions must be in the Default System32 # Location: Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules # MORE INFORMATION: http://www.powershelladmin.com/wiki/SSH_from_PowerShell_using_the_SSH.NET_library #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Settings below should not need to be changed, however feel free to add-on! # Lets run by some house rules like asking what to do if an error occurs. $ErrorActionPreference ="Inquire" # Do you even have the SSH-Sessions Module? Let’s check before we continue. Import-Module SSH-Sessions # With the output file that is created by this script lets timestamp # the current Year, Month and Day and put it as part of the filename. $time ="$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd)" # Let's put in something in front of the date timestamp of the soon to be # created file defualt is "config" $filename ="config" # By default the type of file created is a text file. $ext =".txt" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # START WITH CUSTOM CONFIGURATION # Where do you want the created file to be placed? The current user running # this script will need # access to that location. Also this script will not create folders if the # path does not exist expect an error # A good example to place the created files would be "C:\Cisco-Backups" $filepath ="" # Depending on the amount of devices you want to connect, this part of the # script could be lengthy. # To set this up follow the example. # $d1 ="" # This is setting up a variable called "d1" followed by the IP address of # the device you would connect with SSH. # Each device will have a different variable if you have five devices it # would look like the following: # $d2 ="" # $d3 ="" # $d4 ="" # $d5 ="" # $d6 ="" # Below is your custom list of devices that you want to connect with SSH. $d1 ="" # Depending on the environment each device may have a different account to # log in. # For simplicity's sake it is recommended to use one custom account for # all logins. # However you can specify different account logins per device. Follow the example. # $u1 ="admin" # $u2 ="bob" # This example shows two different username accounts it recommended to # match these up with the device you would be connecting to, # for example "d1" uses "u1", etc. # Below is your custom list of login account names that each device # will use, if all devices use the same account just specify one variable. $u1 ="" # Depending on the environment each device may have a different password # to log in. For simplicity's sake it is recommended to use one password # for all logins. However you can specify different passwords per device. # Follow the example. # $p1 ="password123" # $p2 ="P@$$w0rd987" # This example shows two different passwords it recommended to match # these up with the device and username you would be connecting to, # for example "d1" uses "u1" which use "p1" etc. # Below is your custom list of passwords that each device will use, # if all devices use the same password just specify one variable. $p1 ="" # Depending on the amount of devices you want to connect, this part # of the script could be lengthy. The command to connect with SSH is # "New-SshSession" We have to specify the device to connect, the username # to use along with the password. Follow the example. # New-SshSession $d1 -Username $u1 -Password "$p1" # New-SshSession $d2 -Username $u2 -Password "$p2" # This example shows that we are going to be connecting with two devices, # with two different usernames and passwords. # If you are using the same username and password on all devices it would # follow this example which is using the same # variable for the username and password. # New-SshSession $d1 -Username $u1 -Password "$p1" # New-SshSession $d2 -Username $u1 -Password "$p1" # Below is your custom list that specifies the device to connect to, the # username and password. If all devices use the same username and password # just speifiy the same variable. New-SshSession $d1 -Username $u1 -Password "$p1" # DONE WITH CUSTOM CONFIGURATION #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # What command to you want to run on all devices defualt is the 'show run' # command. $c1 ="show run" # Lets run the command that we configured and output all of that into one # file. $Results = Invoke-Sshcommand -InvokeOnAll -Command "$c1" | Out-File "$filepath$filename-$time$ext" # We are done running commands on these devices lets close the connection. Remove-SshSession -RemoveAll # Close out of PowerShell exit [/code] I have tested this out and it works pretty good, I was able to test up to 12 devices at the same time. Since this script does not have any "if" statements and other smarts to it you do have to change a configuration option on your router or switch to go right into Privileged EXEC when the account logs in. This is done by usually saying privilege level 15 when setting up a user account on the router or switch. I hope this information is helpful and I will see if I can re-work this script as it is a work in progress with power-shell :) What are other ways to backup your configuration, what tools and or scripts have you used in the past?