The Network and its Forces
- Return on Investment is a big one and most companies and most won't go ahead until they can see money down this path instead of nothing. What's in it for me? How will this improve our business? How will this make money instead of draining it?
- Regulation is another big one, Why would a company change anything if there already on the top? Sometimes Uncle Sam has to come along and must companies to be compliant, or they are fined and may even be shutdown. (This adds the twist in the game but this usually helps out the common folk like you and me in the end :)
- Being competitive; You can't beat a company if you are doing the exact some thing as your competitor. Being faster, smarter, and changing your techniques often with the competition will make you different from the rest and may even give you some extra steps forward from everybody else.
In the end it all comes down the cost and this cost is investment it's not something lost forever, if done correctly this investment would pay off. Although we may not see it physically you will see an increase in how much scalability the company can handle, the availability of products and services, the performance of application and services and the overall efficiency of whole network infrastructure. It's simple fact, less downtime equals more productivity and in the end equals money for the company. There is always a balance however, you could argue less downtime equals the more money you have to spend to keep it up and running. That's where the balance begins, does it take more money then what the company can produce to keep the systems up 99.99 percent of the time? Is it worth to drop it to 95 percent up-time to save a couple of thousands or are you now loosing more money than you are saving? These are all questions where everyone has to come to the table and discuss, because it is no longer just an IT problem its an organization problem. The business force for the network is important but there are others, check back to see what technology-related forces exist with the network framework.