WiFi_LogoWow July is almost over and I only posted one topic! Before August comes up I wanted to post at least one more topic which deals with the wireless side of the networking world. Ever heard of Super WiFi? The IEEE has published this standard recently its official number is 802.22. What does Super WiFi bring to the table compared to other WiFi Standards? Well according to IEEE these speeds can bring up to 22Mbps to devices as far has 62 miles! How is this range possible? Well ever since the United States made the switch to digital over the air broadcasts there was this "extra space" This space was at first used for Microsoft, Google and other big companies to experiment this "extra space" or also called white space. In September of 2010 the FCC approved this and it is now been standardized by the IEEE. The Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) is expected to use a point-to-multi-point system (P2MP) You can get more information by doing a simple search in your favorite search engine about this Super WiFi. I thought I posted about this way back in January but I guess not. What do you think? Do you think this technology will take off? In what parts of the country do you think this would be more popular? Personally I feel this would be excellent in rural areas of the United States. Also if you have an idea about any ICND1 or ICND2 material let me know.