IPv6So what is IPv6 day? Today major companies like Google, Facebook, Yahoo and ISPs (Internet Service Providers) test their IPv6 deployments. Why is this important? Well if you follow IPv4 news you might already know that IPv4 addresses have been exhausted and the need to move to different address space is critical, if new web services are to be deployed. The question is can we run both? Although running two different IP addressing protocols is likely, by "stacking" them that is one reason the Internet Society wanted major sites and ISPs to test out the IPv6 address space. One of the main goals the Internet Society wants companies to look at is if there are potential issues, these issues are in controlled environments and can be addressed as soon as possible. So what should the average user see on Wednesday June 8th? Well if everything goes to plan the user should not noticed any difference. That's the amazing thing these configurations, testing and deployments are in the backend of the internet. A good tool to test to your internet connection to see if it can handle IPv6 traffic is the IPv6 Eye Chart which is the link below. IPv6 Eye Chart I hope this information was informative and if you have an idea for a topic that deals with either ICND1 or ICND2 let me know about it, also check out my earlier topics that I have posted.