This is the master list of some of the many Cisco IOS Commands that go with the CCNA track. This list also talks about what each command does in brief detail. You may also find that some commands may or may not be used for a CCNA level but offer some important information. If you don't know what a command does or understand it, I would look at Cisco documentation. Since this is a pretty big list of commands you can see the links to move to the different sections within this page. Enjoy! Privileged Mode Set a password for console access Set a Password for virtual terminal (telnet) access Set a password for auxiliary (modem) access Setting up the Router General Commands Processes and Statistics CDP Commands Miscellaneous Commands Privileged Mode: [code]Router>enable[/code] This command "enable"will get you in privileged mode in the router or switch. [code]Router#disable Router>[/code] This command "disable" will put you back to the user mode in the router or switch. [code]Router(config)#enable password knowing[/code] This will put a unencrypted password on the privileged mode (in this example the password would be "knowing") [code]Router(config)#enable secret knowing[/code] This command will put an encrypted password on the privileged mode (in this example the password would be "knowing") Set a password for console access: [code]Router(config)#line console 0 Router(config-line)#login % Login disabled on line 0, until 'password' is set Router(config-line)#password allknowing[/code] This sets the password as "allknowing" when accessed by the consolde line in a router or switch. Set a Password for virtual terminal (telnet) access: [code]Router(config)#line vty 0 4 Router(config-line)#login % Login disabled on line 66, until 'password' is set % Login disabled on line 67, until 'password' is set % Login disabled on line 68, until 'password' is set % Login disabled on line 69, until 'password' is set % Login disabled on line 70, until 'password' is set Router(config-line)#password knowingall[/code] Remember you must have a password on telnet to access the router or switch with a telnet session otherwise the router or switch will close the session immediately. This sets the password as "knowingall" Set a password for auxiliary (modem) access: [code]Router(config)#line aux 0 Router(config-line)#login Router(config-line)#password all[/code] This sets the password as "all" when accessed via the auxiliary port. Setting up the Router: [code]Router#show running-config Building configuration...
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