
On this Monday let's wrap up the 802.11 wireless standards, Friday I talked about the 802.11g (See the post 802.11g) and before that I talked about the 802.11b (See the post 802.11b ) I also talked about 802.11a, (See the post 802.11a) I even talked about the 802.11 –Legacy (See the post 802.11 –Legacy) and in the beginning of last week I talked about the basic wireless concepts. (See the post Basic Wireless Concepts) So let's end the discussion and talk about the 802.11n standard! You could say that the 802.11n standard is the best of both worlds in the 802.11 wireless standards. 802.11n was officially released in October of 2009 and can run in the 2.4GHz range and use the 5GHz range. Something that is special in the 802.11n standard is the use of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). MIMO is a technology which uses multiple antennas to gather more information essentially. It uses SDM Spatial Division Multiplexing to significantly increase the data throughput. Because of this technology 802.11n can in theory transfer speeds up to 300 Mbps. 802.11n is also backwards compatible like the 802.11g standard it can also work with the 802.11b standard. 802.11n can also work with the 802.11a standard in the 5GHz range. Currently 802.11n is the fastest and has the longest range compared to the earlier 802.11 standards. 802.11n indoors has a range of about 230 feet, in outdoor environments the 802.11n has range of about 800 feet. We all know technology changes and a while ago I posted about the 802.11ac standard which does have the potential to travel in speeds up to 1Gbps! (See the post 802.11ac Standard) For now that's my summary version of the 802.11n standard, like always I hope this information was informative and let me know if you have any ideas on the next topic that deal with either ICND1 or ICND2.