
Well again we are continuing the discussion about the wireless standards. Yesterday I talked about 802.11b (See the post 802.11b), and before that I talked about 802.11a,(See the post 802.11a) I even talked about the 802.11 –Legacy (See the post 802.11 –Legacy) and in the beginning of the week I talked about the basic wireless concepts. (See the post Basic Wireless Standards) So on this Friday let's talk about the 802.11g standard! The 802.11g standard was ratified in June of 2003, and like 802.11b it operates in the 2.4GHz range. Also just like the 802.11b standard other devices that run in 2.4GHz range like cordless phones, microwaves can cause interference with the wireless signal. The 802.11g can work in two encoding classes, the Direct Sequence Spectrum (DSSS) which is like the 802.11b standard it does have benefits of resistance to jamming, you could share the signal channel among other users, it reduced the signal and noise level which helped in interception. In addition to DSSS the 802.11g standard can also use the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) which does have an advantage to still operate under severe channel conditions, like attenuation, and interference. The maximum data rate in theory is 54 Mbit/s  this speed is exactly what the 802.11a standard gets. Another benefit of the 802.11g is the fact it is backwards compatible to the 802.11b standard. So in your wireless network you could have a mix of wireless standards 802.11b and 802.11g. However this does add some latency in your network and can slow it down. Because the 802.11g is backwards compatible the standard was rapidly adopted by manufactures and consumers. But this does have its drawbacks because like the 802.11b standard, 802.11g only has three channels that don't overlap and it is best practice not to have these channels overlap. That's it for this summary of the 802.11g standard, check back on Monday and I'll have the 802.11n standard posted. Like always I hope this information was informative and let me know if you have any ideas on the next topic that deal with either ICND1 or ICND2.


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#### [Ann]( "jxay@mail.com") -

Thank you. It was helpful. You made it short and sweet; easy to digest.