
Continuing where we left off the discussion, todays post will be talking about 802.11b wireless standard that was developed by IEEE. Yesterday's post we talked about the 802.11a standard. (See the post 802.11a) We also we talked about the 802.11 – Legacy standard (See the post 802.11 – Legacy) and in the beginning of the week I went over some Basic Wireless Concepts (See the post Basic Wireless Concepts) So now that we are up to speed lets learn about the 802.11b standard. The 802.11b standard was developed the same time 802.11a went out, which was in 1999. Some key differences are that 802.11b works in the 2.4GHz range and only has a maximum bandwidth of 11 (Mbit/s). Along with only using the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Like in the 802.11 – Legacy the DSSS had the benefits of Resistance to jamming, you could share the signal channel among other users, it reduced the signal and noise level which helped in interception. Since the 802.11b standard is in the 2.4GHz range there are only three out of the eleven channels that don't overlap. Also remember that there are other devices that use the 2.4GHz range so 802.11b devices can suffer interference from other products, like cordless phones, microwaves, etc. 802.11b products were on the market pretty quickly in early 2000 because of the cheap material to make them and the wide acceptance of the product/standard. That's it for today, check back tomorrow and I'll be posting about the 802.11g standard. Like before I hope this information was informative and let me know if you have any ideas on the next topic that deal with either ICND1 or ICND2.


802.11g | Cisco Skills -

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#### [802.11n | Cisco Skills](http://lewiryan.github.io/ciscoskills/2011/04/11/802-11n/ "") -

[...] about the 802.11g (See the post 802.11g) and before that I talked about the 802.11b (See the post 802.11b ) I also talked about 802.11a, (See the post 802.11a) I even talked about the 802.11 –Legacy (See [...]